Revenue collection
Kalamagi Memorial Stadium is comprised of facilities such as Football (Soccer) pitch; Internal Standard Athletics Track; Basketball court; Volleyball court; Netball court; Lawn tennis court; Swimming pool; Dedicated chess arena; Car racing track; Cycling track; Quad biking track; Skating track; Table Tennis Tables; Five Star Hotel, hostel, and accommodation facilities; Meetings conferences, and exhibitions halls; Office spaces; Gardens; Sports Museum; Gymnasium and health club; Parking area; and a Medical facility. The management of KMS resolved to secure a private loan from any interested partner to finance the project which must be paid back with interests within a given period of time. It is on this particular
note that the project management must ensure that all the facilities therein the project generate income on a daily, monthly or annual basis to pay off the loan, interests, any other costs as well as meeting daily operational expenses. It’s the responsibility of the project management to keep the stadium busy throughout the year in order to attract revelers and holiday makers at the venue all the time. The more people gather in the place, the more it becomes vibrant and attract more revenue to the management. The management shall collect/generate income from the project in the following ways;